Blueberry muffins, low FODMAP, gluten-free, lactose-free, sugar-free

These muffins are light, moist, tasty and FABULOUS the next day as well.  Entirely free of added sugar, they are sweet enough with the rounded 1/4 tsp of pure stevia (I use this one:–stevia-extract-rdstvp.html).  TOTALLY guilt-free and nutritious for the whole family!!!   I. AM. STOKED. Blueberry & Yoghurt Muffins LF GF SF  Dry Ingredients:…

Gluten-Free Bread, low FODMAP

This recipe is another fluke/YAY one… where I combined what I hoped would work for a decent loaf of bread, and it WORKED!  HOORAH!  I was surprised how much it rose.  I made it a couple of months ago for the first time (and originally used a flour combo that Suzanne at Strands of My…

Why this blog? And… Raspberry Muffins Gluten-Free

These healthy, low FODMAP, gluten-free, lactose-free muffins with no refined sugar (low natural sugar content, overall) are the reason for this blog.  They were a result of wanting to use up some rice milk, and wanting to combine coconut flour with other GF flours.  They turned out SO well, and were even great (not just…